Increase in student Retention*
Reduction in administrative workload on faculty
Improvement in Persistency**
Schaffhauser (2008) writes:
Huntington Junior College (HJC) in West Virginia has gone public with its year-long early-adopter use of Campus Management's CampusLearning, a suite of services that provides for real-time, two-way integration between proprietary portals and student information systems and the Moodle open source course management systems. Campus Technology Article
Definition of Terms (from Martinez 2003):
Retention refers to the number of
learners or students who progress from
one part of an educational program to
the next. In higher education, this is normally
measured as enrollment from academic
year to academic year. In other
settings, retention may simply be the
inverse of the attrition rate. It may be
defined as the number of learners who
progress from one module to the next, or
from one certification to the next.
Persistence relates to the act of continuing
toward an educational goal. In
higher education, a “persister� is simply
one who achieves a degree or certificate
and graduates “on time.� In other institutions,
persistence may not be the term
of choice, and instead the issue is simply
the number of individuals who complete
the required course, modules, or
criterion tests.
Dian Schaffhauser, "Second Life Mashup Helps Boost Distance Ed Retention at Huntington JC," Campus Technology, 9/30/2008, http://www.campustechnology.com/article.aspx?aid=68040
Martinez, Margaret. "High Attrition Rates in e-Learning: Challenges, Predictors, and Solutions." ELearning Developer's Journal June-July 2003: 1-9. Http://www.elearningguild.com. 14 July 2003. 30 Sept. 2008