Thursday, April 6, 2006

WIPTE 2006: Corp Panel w/Online Blog

So the corporate panel is about to begin and there is a real-time, online blog:

Jane Prey's 5 Minutes from Microsoft invites creative ideas

4 14pm
HP's Jim Vanides: "Technology is about what students produce, not what students consume" - from one of his interactions in K-12 schools.

4 17pm
DyKnow's Laura Small
The history of DyKnow and its wide application & experience. The product is mature and so is the service.

4 20pm
HP has funded tabletPC studies in Italy and Australia in fields of Nursing...

4 36pm
Any new Ink Features in Vista?
Elliot from MSFT "Vista is Coolness"
- Added Ink Analysis APIs (Uncharted, no books available)
- Text Recognition, Hndwriting Personalization (90s technology from handhelds)
- discontiguous selections in file folders (automating Ctrl+Click) with AJAX style selection.

4 45pm
Q to Panel: What is the 5 year vision?

one gem answer (MSFT): Desktop's survival is threatened. February was the first time that laptop sales exceeded desktop sales.

4 57pm
Annotation is golden. Path to annotation (animated annotations) is Platinum. -- HP's Jim

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