Tablet PC keynote address -
Clemson is a agricultural/animal husbandry type of university.
Started the laptop initiative in 2002. Work started in earnest in June 2002.
Implementation of Tablet PC by an English teacher in Clemson University
Hired 6 grad students for faculty development program.
Strong competition in retaining graduate students from computer science & electronics engineering (other faculty steal students)
Had a faculty member walk upto her after faculty training and blasted her - "Nothing you said was helpful, you have wasted 2 days of my life"
Story "Larry Grimes" (Live presentation using Breeze, just for the heck of it, at a conference, and stood there and drank coffee).
Developed "Laptop Faculty Lab" for faculty learning.
Andrew Levin teaches music appreciation - wanted rich internet application for his course - with social software component. "Music Grid" was born.
"Message Grid" evolved out of various other departments wanting to add that social / discussion component to their pedagogy. (Devlpr - Roy).
Animal Vet Science were all "tablet enabled".
Change in Provost situation caused big problems (succumed to cancer after fighting 2 years). Late Provost was a big champion of laptops.
Now they wanted to go back to Ink... so there was the case of the missing ink.. stuck between traditional ink-thinking faculty and laptop driven economy.
The gap could have been filled with a Tablet PC.
She sends a call for ppl in need of help: and the same acrid professor comes back and says "all she said was proven right over time". (the highlight!!!!) the facMem asked went to a lunch meeting and couldn't stop telling her about his realization.
Now the laptop lounge became a tech lounge with Tablets, ipods, clickers.
PROBELMS!! - Current spaces are not exactly lappy/tabby friendly. (e,g, auditoriums).
So they have what are "Scale Up" rooms which are more geared towards technology:
- room for lappy/textbook
- room for instructors to move around
- Sympodiums
- best Scale Ups around
Governor says - if you put up Ink produced materials, then you have to make it 508 compliance.
- Have no idea how they are going to do it
- The only faculty not worried are `the one who are
70% students said they learnt best when faculty is annotating powerpoint slides and
75% felt they were more engaged
65% want materials to show up on thier lappys automatically.
55% want to add notes to these
45% wish they had a tablet (they are figuring out how to get there).
Her grandson Isaac - 8 year old learnt to use the tablet PC, highliting and all the
Take aways:
focus on pedagogy, not the technology.
interdisciplinary collaboration is important to really blossom application of technology.
get faculty who are willing to change.
engage students.
Personal likes:
Grading - especially eportfolios
also grading Word documents, including the comments, wherein ink can be written - this is more close to real world.
Image from the WIPTE Blog:

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