Friday, April 7, 2006

WIPTE 2006: Lunch, the way it should be...

Interesting lunch with folks from Virginia Tech and Clemson U.

VirginiaTech engineering is making TabletPC a requirement for incoming freshmen in their engineering school. This is their plan for supporting the technology, as per a very concerned member of their community attending WIPTE:

" Uh, Um... wha..? "

They should be scared... very scared. This kinda makes me realize, all those anti-technology forces in my world, they are doing a good job of preventing such "accidental" impositions. I feel sorry for the incoming freshmen. If I were a journalist, I would follow up this lead with an investigation. he he.

anyhoo, we moved on to an interesting conversation about microsoft and the good stuff it was doing to the world:
- TabletPC SDK - free, simple and easy to use.
- ConferenceXP - free, opensource
- supporting this first conference

We discussed the way Microsoft has made attempts to change the ways in which the world looks at it, especially geekdom.

Now when presenters take unjustified potshots at MSFT. Makes the presenters sound dated. Then we marvelled at the internal process improvement video "If Microsoft Designed the iPod:"

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